
So enough about me...

So at the therapy meeting this week, Doc Hill decided to lecture me about my blog and some of the anger in them. "What anger?" I asked, because I didn't see it. He also got onto me about my vulgarity, but it's my blog and I'll write what I want to.

And then I got a freakin assignment.

I'm now suppose to write something about some of the therapy group members...why I don't know. But I'm suppose to be nice, so I guess I will be....sort of.

Let's meet this band of misfi....mischievous folk.

Allen- This young man is a pathological other words, his fantasy stories are often more amusing than what's really going on. Often I'll comes to therapy in a bad mood, and after hearing how angels in bikinis helped turn his car into a tye dyed colored tank, would feel much better.

Janine- I'm not quite sure what her problem is, outside of the fact the mere sight of people makes her roll up into some sort of human ball. I'll try to talk to her, but it's like trying to get a mime out of the invisible box he's trapped in...not going to happen. She seems like a good kid though.

Seymour- Our resident Lenny...minus the rabbit. This most of the time gentile giant comes from a group home and is very childlike. I heard he came into the group because he got so upset at not having meatballs for dinner that he broke one of the orderly ribs, but I'm sure not going to ask. He seems to like me though, so that's good in case I need someone for a fight. I'd just tell him the guy attacking me took his meatballs.

Jessica - The goth princess. This teenager likes to draw on herself....too bad the drawing involves a razor blade. I know I'm suppose to be nice and all, but Jessica can be a bit of a...hmm what's a nice way to put it....a whiny, bratty little bitch. Talking over people, making fun of Seymour, and just a part of this new generation I refer to as "annoying". She also write U for you and 2 for to/too.

Uh oh...I'm probably going to be in trouble again. If that's the case...fuck ass shit cock balls and testicle breath.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Hill knows best and yes I did notice the language!